Advanced Tactical Firearms for "Licensed to Carry" Holders $150
Instructor: Ed Shadbolt
You will need for class time:
Current Valid License to Carry
Ear and Eye Protection and billed cap
Holster and at least 2 magazines for auto or 2 speed loaders for revolvers
200 rounds of Ammunition
Gun Cleaning Equipment
Durable clothes for foul weather conditions
Student will required to lay on ground during some drills unless physical conditions prohibit
Water or other hydration drinks and snacks
BandAids/Medical Tape for minor cuts and scrapes.
Class times are 8:30 am - 5:30 pm (unless otherwise noted)
In Class Information is presented through a combination of PowerPoints, lectures, hands on, and 2-3 hours of range time. You'll need approximately 200 rounds of ammunition for this class.
Course Goal:
To elevate the license holder above the level previously certified by expanding their knowledge base, operational skills and survival capabilities.
This course will provide both technical and tactical training techniques that are based on specific
requirements. The instruction will be accomplished with a combination of classroom and range activities.
Course Objectives:
Understanding and Using Proper Range Safety Rules
Understanding and Proper Use of your Weapon
Preparing Mentally for Confrontation
Identifying Threats Under High Stress Conditions
Understanding Realities of Life Threatening Encounters
Analysis of Multiple Threat Situations
Learning and Using Tactical Handgun Manipulation Techniques
Learning and Using Handgun Accuracy Techniques
Executing Multiple Shot Placements
Using a Variety of Cover Techniques
Executing Weapon Malfunction Clearing Drills