Building Clearing Tactics

1 DAY Building Clearing Class
Watch the calendar for next scheduled class.
The class will run from 9 AM until 5 PM
and space is limited.
Class registration is through the East Texas Police Academy by calling 903-983-8663. Registration is required.
Course Location: (meet here)
Armed Texans Training Facility
369 County Road 2784
Mineola, Texas 75773
The secondary location will be at:
22392 FM 16 W, Lindale, TX 75771
Class Attire:
BDU style pants
T-shirt or polo
Boots or shoes appropriate for a training environment
Course Information:
For many years officers across the region have only trained by shooting qualification courses, assessing the potential use of deadly force on a piece of paper that sits static on the range and hoping that they can perform under levels of stress that will limit them to the use of gross motor skills. The application of force on force training is paramount in order to apply the skills that officers are taught on the range in a real life scenario by qualified force on force instructors. The course instructors have a passion for keeping our officers from harm so that they get home safely to their families by equipping them with the proper skills to do their job safely. Courses of this caliber are usually limited in accessibility and are oftentimes more expensive than what agencies can afford for multiple officers. This class is designed for the patrol officer and investigator that must safely enter a dwelling or structure, safely maneuver through the structure while potentially apprehending suspects. Vehicle takedowns, traffic stops and off duty encounters will also be discussed and practiced. The class will teach the movement and tactics of a one or two officer team for call types ranging from alarm calls to high risk entry. The emphasis will be centered around officer safety, building clearing, citizen encounters and successfully applying fundamental marksmanship to advance scenarios. It is paramount that officers that work together on a daily basis be trained in a similar manner so that they can react as a team and be aware of how their partners will react and be able to communicate in a clear and decisive manner.
Topics Covered:
Principles of movement with one or more people, deliberate vs. dynamic searches, use over cover and movement in a dwelling, sensory deprivation as well as sensory overload, target indicators, communication, use of handgun and long guns in confined spaces, weapon manipulation, reloads and malfunction drills.
Course Cost:
$100 This course is eligible for $10/day in ETCOG funding for those students employed by an agency within the ETCOG service region.
Equipment needed:
One box of Force on Force Marking Rounds or UTM rounds per student- 9mm (a limited amount available for purchase at range- checks made to Armed Texans) (any color except Red) Link to Purchase
• Duty gear and vest
• Raingear (We train rain or shine)
• Clothing to protect all exposed skin. This clothing will very possibly be stained so please wear items that are expendable.
• Gloves
• Holster and mag pouch for Glock 17 or similar sized Glock
• Paintball mask (if you do not have one some will be available in class)
• Cup (groin protection)
• Hat and sunblock
• Drinking water
• Bug Spray
• Pen and paper