NRA Basic Pistol

NRA Basic Pistol Class:
NRA Instructor led NRA Basic Pistol Class. This course is designed to make the new shooter (or slightly seasoned shooter who wants a refresher) more comfortable shooting a handgun. It takes place in a traditional classroom & range environment.
Course topics to be covered include gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers & semi-automatic pistols, ammunition knowledge & selection, pistol selection & storage, shooting fundamentals, marksmanship, shooting range safety & how to deal with pistol malfunctions. Additionally, students will complete live fire training on the range. All range fees are included.
What to Bring:
unloaded handgun (semi-auto or revolver) in a bag or case
60 rounds of ammo
2 magazines for your semi-automatic handgun (if you have them)
adequate eye and ear protection
water & snacks
dress for outdoors on the range (no open toe shoes or low cut shirts)
a handgun & ammo can be rented for $35 (must notify instructor in advance)