Steel Challenge

What is the Steel Challenge?:
The match draws top shooters from a broad spectrum of shooting sports, including USPSA, IDPA, SASS, GSSF and others.
The match is highly spectator-friendly and the competition is easy to understand – it is all about the speed.
Steel shooting offers a port of entry to the shooting sports that is far less intimidating than practical shooting. Steel shooting provides an excellent starting place for young or beginning shooters. It also provides a soft way for those who have begun to suffer the problems associated with ageing a vehicle to remain involved in the shooting sports. All this provides an alternative for those who might otherwise be lost to shooting.
Examples/Definitions to help with registration:
Open (Handgun Centerfire Optics) (Example: Glock 34 with a Red dot or any modern semi-automatic handgun that has a optic equipped that shoots a minimum 9mm caliber round)
Centerfire Handgun Iron Sights (Example: Glock 19 or any modern semi-automatic handgun with just iron sights on it that shoots a minimum 9mm caliber round)
Rimfire Pistol Iron Sights (Any .22lr pistol such as a Ruger 22/45/Buckmark/Walther P22)
Rimfire Pistol Optic (Any .22lr pistol listed above but also has a red dot/scope on it.)
Rimfire Rifle Iron Sights (any .22lr semi-automatic rifle such as a Ruger 10/22 or a S&W M&P 15-22)
Rimfire Rifle Optics (Any .22lr semi-automatic rifle such as the ones listed above but has a red dot / scope on it)
Pistol Caliber Carbine (Any rifle that is chambered in a handgun round that is at least 9mm. No rifle rounds such as .223/5.56)
Have Questions about the Steel Challenge? Contact Aaron